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List of Spanish words of Basque origin. This is a list of Spanish words which are considered to be of Basque origin. Some of these words existed in Latin as loanwords from other languages. Some of these words have alternate etymologies and may also appear on a list of Spanish words from a different language. Basque abarka lt abar branch, because they were originally made of branches. Diccionario Etimologico Castellano Pdf To Jpg' title='Diccionario Etimologico Castellano Pdf To Jpg' />Diccionario Etimologico Castellano Pdf ReaderThe word was loaned in Mozarabic and even in Arab parghabargha and from here to Spanish alpargata Trask 2. Basque patriot, Basque nationalist cf. Basque abertzale. T0BdBmmAYtc/UIW01IA_ZUI/AAAAAAAAETY/gjxy11jAnMQ/s1600/FotoSketcher%2B-%2Bdisnea.jpg' alt='Diccionario Etimologico Castellano Pdf Editor' title='Diccionario Etimologico Castellano Pdf Editor' />Recent loanword as it is a Basque neologism from the 1. Basque agur with the same meaning DRAE. Basque aizkolari. Recent loanword. alud avalanche of snow, from Basque elurte or uholde, olde flood avalanche Joan Corominas DRAE elurte is a blend of elur snow and lurte landslide1 see lurte below. Basque angula, from Lat anguilla eel DRAEaquelarre witches sabbath cf. Diccionario Etimologico Castellano Pdf To Excel' title='Diccionario Etimologico Castellano Pdf To Excel' />Basque akelarre goat field, fr. Basque dial. Zuberoa ardt farthing, fr. Gascon hardit, fr. English farthing Monlau, Coromines. Basque askuo, askua, fr. Basque azkon dart, javelin DRAEbarranco ravine, deep gorge also Catalan barranc cavity carved into rock by flowing water, GasconOccitan barenc chasm, from Basque barneko, barrenko deep down, deep inside, from barren, barne bottom, inside noun, superlatives of barru inside, interior adj. Diccionario Etimologico Castellano Pdf To WordDiccionario Etimologico Castellano Pdf Compressortymologie. Lorigine tymologique du mot poncho est controverse. Selon certains auteurs, comme Diego Abad de Santilln dans son Diccionario de argentinismos. Etimologa. La palabra biblioteca proviene del latn bibliothca, que a su vez deriva del griego bibliothke, la cual est compuesta por. DRAE La voz aparece ya en el Diccionario de autoridades de 1726 con varios significados Lugar de Atenas donde Platn enseaba la filosofa Estudio general. Libro N. 95. Diccionario De Filosofa. Tomo II. P Z. Ferrater Mora, Jos. Coleccin Emancipacin Obrera. Noviembre 29 de 2008. JOS FERRATER MORA DICCIONARIO. Etimologia. Caralho voz afim em todas as lnguas romnicas hispnicas, pelo que o fillogo e romanista Joan Coromines supe uma origem prromana, 2. Basquebecerro yearling calf, fr OSp bezerro bullock cf. Basque bet cow combining form of behi irru. Alternatively, Coromines BDELC, 7. OSp bezerro from ibicirru, fr ibex, ibicis mountain goat, although this is semantically and phonetically dubious compare rebeco below. Modern 1. 9th century loanword from Basque. For the Basque word Coromines and Pascual Trask 2. Romance, from LL abonnis, obbonis bandana, cap, supposedly from Gothic bbundi, compound of be above and undi cf. Old Saxon gibund bundle. Uncertain. According to Coromines the original was de buzos de buces, which may be related with bozo cf. Lat. bocca through an hypothetical Romance ucciu. Basque txakur whelp also Southern Corsican ghjacaru dog, Sardinian giagaru dog, hound. Ousted now dialectal rural Huesca cadillo puppy, but in standard Spanish only having the sense of bur parsley. Recent loanwordcarrasca kermes oak also Gascon charrascle, charruscle thunderclap, charrasclino rattle, from Basque karraska thunder, crash of falling tree BDELC. Adj. usually despective terribly Spanish against any non core Spanish influence. Modern derivation from the name of the pre Roman tribes carpetani and vetones. Basque zintzarri, zintzerri cowbell, sheep bellchabola jail cf. Basque txabola lt Occitangabila DRAEchacol, type of basque wine. Recent loanwordchamorro close cropped cf. Basque txamorro grub, subterranean bug or worm or samur, xamur tender, delicatechaparro dwarf oak cf. Basque txaparchaparrn. Probably neither a pre Roman word, nor a Basque loanword, but according to the DRAE it is an onomatopoeia while Coromines believes that even Basque zaparr is an onomatopoeia. Recent loanword The Basque word is of Romance origin from Med. Latin capella. charro crude, charrn rogue, scamp cf. Basque txar bad, faulty also Gascon charre ignorant, naughtychasco trick, prank, deception. Dubious. Coromines concludes that it is an onomatopoeia. Basque txatarra the old onechirimbolo circular slice cf. Basque txirimbolchirimiri drizzle, from Basque zirimiri. Basque txistera, from Latin cistella little basket, fish basket. Portuguese jorro, Old Gascon chourre fountain, from Basque txurru torrent, waterwaychurre thick grease cf. Basque txur miserly, economicalcococha cods chin Basque kokotxaconejo rabbit, from Lat cuniculus, from Proto Basque Huni modern untxi alternatively, from Hispano Celtic un icos little dog2ertzaina, basque policeman, ertzaintza, basque police. Recent loanwords. Catalan parranda cf. Basque farra, farre parra, parre laugh BDELC. Basque kabarra, fr. Latin carabus, fr. Gk krabosgamarra halter from Basque gamarraganza lockpick Basque gantzuagarrapata tick cf. Basque gapar, kapar furze, gorse also Gascon gaparra furzegorse grove, Catalan paparra tick, lice licebane, stavesacre plant, Portuguese carrapato tickguijarro pebble perhaps Basque gisuarri limestone. Or rather a tautological compound made of Sp guija pebble, small stone Basque arri pebble, stone, from Old Spanish 1. Latin petra aqulea, fem. Corominas, DLAE. Basque language school. Recent loanwordizquierdo, a left cf. Basque ezkerda the left one, side, fr ezker left also Portuguese esquerdo, Catalan esquerre. Ousted Old Spanish siniestro also Old Portuguese sestro, from Latin sinister. Basque sorgin witchlaya spade from Basque laialegaa bleariness in eyes, bloodshot, fr OSp lagaa cf. Basque lakaia cord, roughness, knob on a tree, formerly strandlurte avalanche Huesca dialect, from Aragoneselurte, from Basque lurte landslide, from lur earth. Aragonese martuel, Catalan maduixa, from Basque mart, as in martotx bramble, martsuka martuts martuza blackberry. For similar development, compare Galician amorogo, Portuguese morango strawberry, both from amora blackberry bramble. Ousted dialectal aborto, from OSp alboro, from Lat arbuteusmochil, a from Basque mutxil, diminutive of mutil boymogote isolated mound cf. Basque mokor mound, moko beak, pointmoo bun, topknot, mun stump, mueca wrist, all from nn lump, bump cf. Basqe mun, munho hill breastmorena stack of harvested grain cf. Basque muru heapmurdago mistletoe, fr. OSp mordago 1. 0th century, from uir tako Coromines cf. Basque miura mistletoe, mihuri seed, kernel. Inherited visco only has the meaning birdlime. Basque nar, narra towing, slednava marshy valley, treeless plain cf. Basque nabardago Mus card game expression pronounced when you win cf. Basque or dago there it ispelotari, player of Pelota. Recent loanwordpestaa eyelash also Pg pestana, Cat pestanya, from istanna, from Proto Basque ist cf. Basque pizta rheum, piztule eyelashpitarra, pitaa rheum cf. Basque pitar rheumpizarra slate problematic. Many attempts to explain as of Basque origin, but as Trask points the related Basque word seems better explained as a foreign loanword in Basque cf. Basque pizar fragment. Alternative attempts Coromines BDELC 4. Basque lapits slate from Latin lapis, plus Basque arri stone, and misdivided as la pitzarri according to the Spanish article la. Gascon sapou, Aragonese zapo, Asturian sapu cf. Basque zapo, apo. Rivals inherited escuerzo, from Lat scorteus rough surface. Medieval Latin 7th century, Isidore of Seville, Origines, 4. Theodorus Priscianus Constantinople, 4th century. Trumper,3 however, after studying the variants of the word in the Latin medical treatises, proposes a Hispano Celtic origin cf. Cs Go Global Offensive here. Middle Welshsarn mess and sarnaf to wreck. Basque sarra rust Coromines, BDELC however, DRAE derives it from Latin saburra grit, sand, despite the fact this word actually gave sorra. Basque zilo, zulo hole lt Proto Basque o or, less likely, from Hispano Celtic ilon seed Coromines. Basque dial. and arch.