Simutrans Map Editing Tools Rating: 4,3/5 8650votes

Simutrans is a crossplatform simulation game in which the player strives to run a successful transport system by constructing and managing transportation systems for. List of open source video games. This is a selected list of freelibre and open source FOSS video games. Open source video games are games assembled from and are themselves open source software, including public domain games with published source code. This list includes games in which the game engine is open source but the game content media and levels, for example may be under a different license. Open engine and free contenteditThe games in this table are developed under a free and open source license with free content which allows reuse, modification and commercial redistribution of the whole game. Licenses can be a public domain, GPL license, BSD license, Creative Commons License, zlib license, MIT license, Artistic License and more see the comparison of Free and open source software and the Comparison of free and open source software licenses. Title   First release. Last release. Genre. DubaiPalm.jpg' alt='Simutrans Map Editing Tools' title='Simutrans Map Editing Tools' />Engine license. Content license. Dimensions. Other information. A. D. 2. 00. 92. 01. RTSGPLv. 2CC BY SA 3. DHistorical, cross platform RTS, using an original engine named Pyrogenesis. Game source code released July 1. Puzzle. MITMIT2. DA sliding block puzzle game. Abuse. 19. 96. 20. Run and gun. Public domain software. Public domain. 2DArmagetron Advanced. Racing. GPLv. 2GPLv. DA multiplayer, 3. D Tron lightcycle racing game. Astro. Menace. 20. Arcade. GPLv. 3GPLv. CC BY SA 4. 0. 3DA top scrolling space shooter. Ballerburg. 19. 87. This is a selected list of freelibre and opensource video games. Opensource video games are games assembled from and are themselves opensource software, including. There are literally thousands of games that can be played on Linux, if youre a casual gamer or hardcore Linux fan who is looking to have a bit of fun on your. We are a software download site without ads, fake download buttons or crapware. This site is 100 supported by donations. Please consider making one if you like. Artillery game. Public domain software. Public domain. 2DPublic domain software on the authors website with source code. Later ported to other systems as Linux, Mac. OS, i. OS etc. Battle for Wesnoth, The. TBТGPLv. 2GPLv. 22. DTurn based tactical strategy game with RPG elements. Includes single player campaign and skirmish modes as well as multiplayer. Biniax. 20. 05. 20. Puzzlezlibzlib. 2D Blob Wars. Platformer, Action adventure. GPLv. 2GPLv. 2, CC BY SA, other open source. D, 3. D Bos Wars. RTSGPLv. 2GPLv. 2Isometric 2. D2. D RTS running on a modified version of the Stratagus engine. BZFlag. 19. 97. 20. Tank FPSLGPLv. 2. LGPLv. 2. 1. 3DA first person shooter. D tank based multiplayer online game. C Dogs SDL2. 00. Run and gun. GPLv. CC0, CC BY, CC BY SA2. DOverhead run and gun, with hotseat co operative and deathmatch play for up to four players. Candy Box 2. 20. 13. GPLv. 3GPLv. 32. DThe typescriptsource code of Candybox. GPLv. 3. 34Candy Crisis. Tile matching. GPLv. GPLv. 22. DA tile matching game inspired by Puyo Puyo in which the player must align candy shaped tiles in groups of 4 or more to score points. Cart Life. 20. 11. Simulation. Cart Lifes Free License permissive licenseCart Lifes Free License permissive license, Freeware. DIn March 2. 01. 4 the source code and game was made available by Richard Hofmeier for free online, saying he was finished supporting the game. Winner of the IGF 2. Mirrored on github. Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead. RPGRoguelike. CC BY SACC BY SA2. DA post apocalyptic, survival roguelike with an open ended gameplay. Had a successful crowdfunding campaign on kickstarter. June 2. 01. 3. 9Chromium B. S. U. 2. 00. 02. 01. Arcade. Clarified Artistic. MIT A fast paced, arcade style, top scrolling space shooter. Colobot. 20. 01. 20. RTS, Educational. GPLv. 3GPLv. 33. DSource code released in 2. Colossal Cave Adventure. Text adventure. Public domain software1. Public domain. Text. The original text adventure game by Crowther Woods. Core Wars p. Mars. BSD, GPL1. 11. Text. Original created by D. G. Jones and A. K. Dewdney, continued until today by the community. Crossfire. 19. 92. MMORPGGPLv. 2GPLv. Crossfire originally started as a Gauntlet clone1. Frank Tore Johansen at the University of Oslo, Norway. Diamond Trust of London. TBSPublic domain software. Public domain. 2DFollowing a Kickstartercrowdfunding campaign Diamond Trust of London was developed by Jason Rohrer and published by indie. Pub. On August 2. Nintendo DS. The game has been placed in the public domain, hosted on Source. Forge, like most of Rohrers games. DRL2. 01. 32. 01. Roguelike. GPLv. 2CC BY SA 4. DBased on Doom and Doom II. Duck Marines. Puzzle. DRemake of Sonic Teams Chu. Chu Rocket. Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. Roguelike. GPLv. 2CC0An open source fork of the 1. Linleys Dungeon Crawl. Endgame Singularity. AI simulation game. GPLv. 2GPLv. 22. Dwritten in Python. Enigma. 20. 03. 20. Puzzle. GPLv. 2GPLv. DOxyd clone. Fish Fillets NG2. Puzzle. GPLv. 2GPLv. Released commercially as Fish Fillets in 1. Source released in 2. GPL. Flight. Gear. Flight Sim. GPLv. GPLv. 23. DMicrosoft Flight Simulator inspired clone. Freeciv. 19. 96. 20. TBSGPLv. 2GPLv. 2Isometric 2. DCivilization II clone. Free. Col. 20. 03. TBSGPLv. 2GPLv. 2Isometric 2. DSid Meiers Colonization clone. Freedoom. 19. 93 2. FPSGPLv. 2 requires a Doom engineBSD 3 clause1. DDoom contentresource clone. Freedroid. RPG2. 00. RPGGPLv. 2GPLv. 22. DDiabloFallout style game inspired by Paradroid. Frozen Bubble. 20. Puzzle. GPLv. 2GPLv. DPuzzle Bobble clone. Gang Garrison 2. 20. Shooter. MPLv. 2MPLv. DA retro demake of Team Fortress 2. The project was previously under GPLv. Glest. 20. 04. 20. RTSGPLCC BY SA3. D3. D RTS game with two factions, A. I. and same platform networking support. Development ceased in 2. Two forks exist, named Mega. Glest and Glest Advanced Engine. Globulation 2. 20. RTSGPLv. 3GPLv. 32. DCurrentlywhen in open beta. GLtron. 20. 03. 20. Racing. GPLGPL3. DBased on the light cycle portion of the film Tron. GNOME Games. 19. 97. Various. GPLGPL A collection of games accompanying the rest of the GNOME desktop environment. GNU Chess. 19. 84. TBSGPLv. 3GPLv. 32. DChess playing engine developed by the GNU Project. GNU Go. 19. 99. 20. TBSGPLv. 3GPLv. 3 Go playing engine developed by the GNU Project. Golden Age of Civilizations. Social Interaction Journal Pdf. Time based strategy. CC LGPL 2. 1. CC LGPL 2. DA time based MMO strategy game, mostly based on the Free. Civ. Hedgewars. 20. Artillery game. GPLv. GPLv. 22. DWorms clone. Xon. 20. 16. 20. 17. Arcade. MITGPLv. 2, CC BY SA3. DTwin stick shooter. Infiniminer. 20. 09. Open world game. MIT1. MIT3. DMinecraft predecessor by Zach Barth. VariousGPLv. 2GPLv. Collection of games provided with the official release of KDE. Puzzle. Public domain software. Public domain. 3DMixture of Sokoban and Kula World. Lincity. 19. 99. 20. City building game. GPLGPL2. 5. DSim. City clone. Linleys Dungeon Crawl. Roguelike. LGPLLGPL Roguelike game. Liquid War. Maze games. GPLGPL2. D2. D game in which you control particles and move them to defeat the opposing side. Lugaru. 20. 05. 20. Action. Third Person. GPLv. 2CC BY SA2. DA game by Wolfire Games where the player is an anthropomorphic rabbit who seeks revenge when a group of enemy rabbits kill their family. Maelstrom. 19. 92. Shoot em up. GPLCC BY2. DMagarena. Card. 2DSingle player fantasy card game played against a computer opponent. Mega. Glest. 20. 10. RTSGPLCC BY SA3. DCross platform 3. D RTS for up to eight players can be A. I. controlled on seven factions. Mega. Glest is a fork of Glest. Mega. Mek. 20. 05. TBТGPLGPL Simulates the Classic Battle. Tech board game. Micropolis. Sim. City2. 00. 8 as Micropolis2. City building game. GPLv. 32. 2GPLv. Open source release of Sim. City. Also known as OLPC Sim. City. 2. 3Minetest. Sandbox game. LGPLv. MITLGPLv. 2. 1. CC BY SACC BYArtistic. DA free open world voxelblock game for Windows, Linux, Free. BSD, Android and OS X. In 2. 01. 5, Minetest was chosen as the best Open Source Game by Open. Source. com. 2. 4Moria. RPGRoguelike. GPL2.